• +264 66 253 264
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Welcome to Zambezi Vocational Training Centre.

Through this website, we provides you with information about our programmes & services offered at the centre.

Dream, Believe, Enrol and Shine.

As a leading Namibian Vocational Education and Training institution, Zambezi VTC is entrusted with the provision of cutting-edge technical and vocational training services to individuals from all walks of life.


Pursue your passion.

For queries, more information and support, please contact us

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The Zambezi Vocational Training Center is based in the town of Katima Mulilo in the Zambezi Region in the far-north-eastern Namibia, on the shores of the Zambezi River. Zambia is on the other side of the Zambezi River and Zimbabwe and Botswana are the adjacent countries. The center first opened its doors in 1993 with an initial enrollment of 36 trainees training in 3 vocational trades and these were Clothing Technology, Joinery & Cabinet Making and Secretarial & Office Administration. Over the years, the center expanded from 3 to 7 occupations/trades and these are: Bricklaying & Plastering, Clothing Production, Hospitality & Tourism, Joinery & Cabinet Making, Plumbing & Pipe fitting, Office Administration and Welding & Metal Fabrication. As a result of training program expansion, the enrollment also grew to well over 500 trainees. Over 50% the trainee population is females. The staff compliment also grew from 15 to over 50 staff members (this includes 25 full and part-time instructors/trainers).

Zambezi Vocational Training Center operated under the National Vocational Training Act, No. 18 of 1994 under the Ministry of Education until June 2008 when the Vocational Education and Training Act, No. 1 of 2008 was promulgated. This Act made provision for the management and control of the state-owned vocational training Center's to be devolved upon the Namibia Training Authority until date that Centers are, in the opinion of the Board, able to be transformed into self-reliant vocational education and training provider. By way of giving Vocational Training Center's self-governance, NTA has appointed an Interim Advisory Committee to promote efficiency and service oriented approach to the management of the VTCs. The Zambezi VTC Interim Advisory Committee is therefore serving as an advisory body of the center.

We currently have 9 NQA Accredited trades:

1. Agriculture in VET - Farm Equipment and

2. Agriculture in VET - Horticulture

3. Bricklaying & Plastering

4. Clothing Production

5. Hospitality & Tourism

6. Joinery & Cabinet Making

7. Office Administration

8. Plumbing & Pipe Fitting

9. Welding & Metal Fabrication

We also have support subjects:

1. English Communication

2. Numeracy


ZVTC seeks to offer and facilitate a wide range of training as well as development interventions in partnership and cooperation with other training Providers, NGO”s and Stakeholders, thus creating a hub for development in the Zambezi Region:
  • ZVTC is offering NQA accredited formal courses that are listed on the NQF, based on identified demands and resulting in an increase of highly qualified artisans and professional in various trade- or professional areas for the labour market
  • ZVTC is accredited by NQA and Registered by the NTA
  • ZVTC also offers a variety of informal skills- and entrepreneurial training based on requested and established demands, ultimately leading to improved local and regional entrepreneurial development
  • ZVTC provides other Services to the community and business sector, such as business information and support, counseling, product development, business mentorship, and referrals

The most reputable vocational training provider that develops competent citizens who contribute to the socio-economic welfare of the SADC Region.

To provide quality, sustainable vocational education and training that is demand-driven to meet the aspirations and expectations of our stakeholders.

Core values
Accountability – Quality Service – Integrity – Respect – Ethics – Teamwork


A lesson from COVID-19: Time to take control of your health, No one saw this crisis coming.

Protect yourself and others around you by knowing the facts and taking appropriate precautions such as Clean your hands often. Maintain a safe distance from anyone, Wear a mask, Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth, Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze, Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, Calling your healthcare provider to quickly direct you, This protects you, and prevents the spread of the virus.



Operating under the auspices of Namibia Training Authority (NTA). The Zambezi Vocational Training Centre is located in the vibrate town of Katima Mulilo of the Zambezi Region of north-eastern Namibia, alongside the mighty Zambezi River.

Get In Touch

Zambezi Vocational Training Centre
ZVTC Complex, Wenela Road, Katina Mulilo
Private Bag 1064, Ngweze , Namibia

Phone : +264 66 253 264
Fax: +264 66 253 760
Email: rkambinda@zambezi.vtc.org.na

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